Thursday, March 3, 2011

Senate Bill 5 Passes In Ohio Senate

Senate Bill 5's passage in the Ohio Senate is one of the most positive pieces of legislation that possibly has been passed in maybe a half-century!

In a newspaper article by The Portsmouth Daily Times, titled; "Ohio Senate Passes Bill to Restrict Public Unions", by PDT Staff and AP Wire Report - gives a hint of the side that the Portsmouth Daily Times is on.  The title of the article says it all.  Whether or not the Daily Times came up with the headline is irrelevant - the newspaper claims that this is the opinion of the staff of their paper.

The article can be found here:

Why, use the phrase, "Restrict Public Unions?"  Why not, "Give Control Back To Governments."  Or, even better; "Lift Chains From Taxpayers!"  Either of those two statements would have been much more politically correct than the one that was used.  But, I am not beholding to the unions or part of the corruption that has been established within this city!

Anyway!  I would like to make a few comments on some of the statements that were made in this article.

Firefighters and Teachers Shouted "Shame!"

For what?  Firefighters and teachers are certainly no strangers to shame.  Firefighters have one very big common thing to be ashamed about; especially in the City of Portsmouth!  Using scare tactics on citizens (especially the elderly,) to get concessions in regards to the unions contracts, and to strongarm citizens to pass tax-increases for their personal gain.  Telling citizens; "it's a matter of how safe you want to be!"  Why?  If the proposed income tax doesn't pass you going to refuse to show up at a fire and let it burn to the ground?  Like what happened in the 70's with a local business when, the firefighters were in labor disputes then!  I don't think so - not now, with the provisions in S.B. 5, that would be against the law!

Teachers.  Wow!  The silent killers of your childern's minds.  Nothing really needs to be much said about this failing to educate profession!  Just take a look at your school's State Report Cards and the Proficiency Test Scores; it says everything you need to know.  You can check your schools report card and test scores out here:

Teachers try to explain away and/or blame their incompetence or just plain lazy attitudes about teaching children, on the parents themselves.  That's right!  I have been to several differnet school board meeting in different districts and watch teachers and administrators come in with charts and data; all claiming that children's home life and parenting skills is the reason for their low test scores!

This very defense mechanism says plenty of the teachers and administrators that are teaching our children!  They would rather defend their incompetence and apathy towards our children's education than, identify and implement corrective measures to put an end to their incompetent ways!

Now, I know there are some very good teachers out there in all of our schools across our county, state and nation.  And, you to are frustrated with alot of these same teachers and their union tenure practices!  So, to the good teachers that are hitting the marks and scores - great jobs!  For the rest of you teachers - well you and I know, who you are by your report cards!

Austin Keyser Meeting With Rep. Terry Johnson

Why?  Should Austin Keyser get to go and speak with State Rep. Terry Johnson about S.B. 5.  Keyser only has the interest of unions on his agenda - not the taxpayers!

Here we go citizens of the Village of Portsmouth.  We will now see where our new state represenative will stand!  With the unions and the special interest groups or with the taxpayers who pay his salary.  The taxpayer... who placed him in office.  This will be Rep. Johnson's first and biggest test on where he really stands; who he really supports and works for!  Will he side with the unions and their 350,000 members who are public workers (who are suppost to be workers for the citizens), not the taxpayers working for the unions so they can hold the keys to the bank vaults.  Rep. Johnson, himself is suppost to be in service to his constituents - not unions or their leaders.

How can Austin Keyser get such a quick audience with Rep. Johnson?  I strongly suggest that every citizen email Rep. Johnson and let him know that you do support S.B. 5.  Strongly suggest that he do the same - the will of the people!  Then, he can explain to Austin Keyser why, he can't support the unions - and tell him that, The People Have Spoken!
You can email Rep. Johnson at: <>

Austin Keyser will probably be given a guest commentary article now, to speak on maybe some of these statements that I have made. Maybe, he won't!  But, for sure your going to here is opinion of course on what you all should do.

Ohio Leading The Way To Fiscal Accountability

Ohio is leading the way with fiscal reform!  Removing the union"s access to the tax-payers bank accounts!  Access denied.  The ATM machine just ate your bank cards to tax-payer's dollars.  The bank statements says you are now "Over Drawn!"

Ban Strikes

No more "scare tactics!"  Well, I suppose they technically still could try and use these mobster style tactics if they wanted to.  But, it doesn't have the same bite or hold that unions have used for nearly 3 decades now.

No negotiations in regards to health care, sick leave or pension benefits.  These three items here are exactly what is crippling our city and tax-payers!  It is not so much the wages (although, I bet it will be now - thanks to our city council), that was hurting the the city but, the extravagant benefits.  My bet now is; city council will start raising city employee's wages above fair market cost.  Any councilman or elected official of the city of Portsmouth who recommends or supports such increases in city worker's wages... should be immediately re-called!  Support of such increases would be an insult to the citizens and a slap to their faces.

The Balance of Power Tilted

First of all, to say the balance of power has been tilted towards managemnet; says that for about 27 years the balance was tilted towards the unions.  One does not have to be a politician to see - that the scale of power; was certainly not balanced before the passage of S.B. 5.

Sen. Edna Brown, a Toledo Democrat said; "the bill tilts the balance of power toward management and does not give one new right to employees."  Wow!  Holy Toledo, Batman!  Sen. Brown obviously still does not have a clue to what this bill is about.  It's not about giving the unions any new rights.  It's about taking control of the economy of the State of Ohio.  It's about giving the balance of power back to the people.

Turn Workers Into Beggers

How about quit begging!  What would they be begging for?  To increase taxes!  More money and better benefits!  Why else would you be begging?  This means unions no longer shackle themselves to the tax-payers billfold.

Judge and Advocate

Bill Seitz of Cinn. said; "No one can be a judge and advocate in their own cause."  Propaganda!   And, union members could be their own judges and advocates in their own causes?  During contract negotiations.  No.

I know this, The tax-payers had no judge or advocate for 27 years in their own cause!

Unions are forbidden governors and legislatures to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance.  Unions are calling together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with union measures.

Unions have endeavoured to prevent employement in the United States.  Unions are quartering large bodies of members against the tax-payers.  Unions are imposing taxes on the citizens without our consent!  Unions are depriving the citizens from their rights to be heard on our behalf as tax-payers.  Unions are taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable laws and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments.  Unions are suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in many cases.  Unions have plundered our finances, ravaged our city halls, burnt down the walls of trust - that citizens are suppost to have with elected officials, and helped to destroyed the economy of our city!  Unions have constrained our citizens and captured the coffers of our city's treasury.  Become the executioners of jobs and the ability for many companies to be competitive in their industrys.

A union's character is marked by every act which may define a Tyrant!  They have been deaf to the voice of justice and brotherhood.

Giving in to unfair and tax burdened extravagant concessions to unions should be... Criminal and Tyranny!

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