Sunday, March 13, 2011

Portsmouth Fire Dept. - Show Me The Money!

This article will show the base pay of all of the employees within the Portsmouth Fire Dept.  This data is for the years of 2008, 2009 and 2010.  I will also, compare 22 of the Portsmouth Firefighters employee's mean wages with the Southern Ohio Non-Metro Areas mean wages.  All information showed in this article was gathered from two sources.  The Southern Ohio Non-Metro Areas data was gathered from the US Department of Labor.  The data can be seen here: . 

The Fire Depts. wage and salary data was gathered from former Mayor Murray's proposed 2010 Budget.  The budget that the 4 councilmen of; Haas, Albrecht, Malone and Basham fought her about all year last year!  The same budget suggestions that councilmen Haas, Albrecht and Basham are now so enlightened to!

Anyway, here is how much the Portsmouth Fire Department's employees make.

Portsmouth Fire Dept.
By the city's own Charter; the Fire Deptartments staffing level should be at 44 employees.  Basically, the Fire Chief and 43 other officers.  This includes: firefighters, dispaterchers and any other employees.

2008 - 47 employees, 2009 - 48 employees, 2010 - 47 employees.  So, when the chief and other firefighters claim they have never had 44 employees!  A lie.

Fire Chief (1)           2008         2009                                  2010
Annual Salary:            $51,996        $53,556 ($1,556) 3% Increase       $55,163 ($1,607) 3% Increase
Monthly Wage:          $4,333          $4,463 ($130) 3%                          $4,596.92 ($133.92) 3%
Weekly Wage:          $999.92        $1,029.92 ($30) 3%                       $1,060 ($30.09) 3%
Hourly Wage:            $25              $25.75 ($.75) 3%                           $26.52 ($.77) 3%

Assistant Chief (3)    2008         2009                                   2010
Annual Salary:            $48,659.33    $50,119 ($1,459.67) 3%                 $51,622.66 ($1,503.66) 3%
Monthly Wage:          $4,054.94      $4,176.58 ($121.64) 3%                 $4,301.89 ($125.31) 3%
Weekly Wage:           $935.76         $963.83 ($28.07) 3%                      $992.74 ($28.91) 3%
Hourly Wage:               $23.39           $24.10 ($.71) 3%                           $24.82 ($.72) 3%

Captain (3)               2008         2009                                   2010
Annual Salary:               $45,543.66    $46,910 ($1,366.34) 3%                  $48,317.33 ($1,407.33) 3%
Monthly Wage:             $3,795.31      $3,909.17 ($113.86) 3%                  $4,026.44 ($117.27) 3%
Weekly Wage:              $875.84         $902.12 ($26.28) 3%                       $929.18 ($27.06) 3%
Hourly Wage:                $21.90           $22.55 ($.65) 3%                            $23.23 ($.68) 3%

FPO (1)                     2008          2009                                   2010
Annual Salary:               $43,056          $44,348 ($1,292) 3%                       $45,678 ($1,330) 3%
Monthly Wage:             $3,588            $3,695.67 ($107.67) 3%                  $3,806.50 ($110.83) 3%
Weekly Wage:             $828                $852.85 ($24.85) 3%                       $878.42 ($25.57) 3%
Hourly Wage:               $20.70             $21.32 ($.62) 3%                            $21.96 ($.64) 3%

Lieutenant (9)          2008           2009                                   2010
Annual Salary:              $42,165.66      $43,430.66 ($1,265) 3%                  $44,733.55 ($1,302.89) 3%
Monthly Wage:            $3,513.81        $3,619.22 ($105.41) 3%                  $3,727.80 ($108.58) 3%
Weekly Wage:            $810.88           $835.21 ($24.33) 3%                       $860.26 ($25.05) 3%
Hourly Wage:              $20.27             $20.88 ($.61) 3%                            $21.51 ($.63) 3%

Firefighter 5 (19-21) 2008 (19)     2009 (21)                            2010 (21)
Annual Salary:              $40,173.37        $41,421.14 ($1,247.77) 3%            $40,619.90 ($801.24) -2% Minus
Monthly Wage:            $3,347.78          $3,451.76 ($103.98) 3%                $3,384.99 ($66.77) -2%
Weekly Wage:            $772.56             $796.56 ($24.00) 3%                      $781.15 ($15.41) -2%
Hourly Wage:              $19.31               $19.91 ($.60) 3%                           $19.53 ($.38) -2%
  1. It appears that 21 Firefighters took a reduction of 2% in pay in 2010.  This reduction is 2% lower than the 2009 pay scale.  Add to the fact that they would have gotten a 3% raise in 2010.  So, in all actuality; this group of firefighters, which is the largest group by classification; took a 5% cut in pay.  Notice all firefighters above them received their 3% increases.
  2. Could this have been the "3% concessions" the unions were suppost to give back?  Were they going to let this one group of firefighters take the hit in pay for the rest of the department?  $16,826.04 total reduction in this position.  $801.24 x 21 =$16,826.04.
  3. Reminder:  The 2010 numbers were proposed budget numbers.  This would be what the department heads of each dept. recommended.  So, the Fire Chief would have made these recommendations or even worse the unions!
Firefighter 1 (2-1)    2008 (2)            2009(1)                            2010 (1)
Annual Salary:               $32,148                  $33,113 ($965) 3% Raise             $68,205 ($35,092) 206% Raise
Monthly Wage:             $2,679                    $2,759.42 ($80.42) 3%                $5,683.75 ($2,924.33) 206%
Weekly Wage:             $618.23                   $636.79 ($18.56) 3%                   $1,311.63 ($674.84) 206%
Hourly Wage:               $15.18                     $15.92 ($.46) 3%                        $32.19 ($16.87) 206%
  1. It looks as if they are charging for two employees in 2010; when there was only one employee at this Firefighter level.
  2. Could this be an attempt to recover a portion of the "3% Concessions" and some!  A phantom employee.
Lead Dispatch (1)     2008                   2009                               2010
Annual Salary:            $31,574                     $32,205 ($631) 2%                     $33,172 ($967) 3%
Monthly Wage:             $2,631.17                  $2,683.75 ($52.58) 2%               $2,764.33 ($80.58) 3%
Weekly Wage:             $607.19                     $619.33 ($12.14) 2%                   $637.92 ($18.59) 3%
Hourly Wage:               $15.18                       $15.48 ($.30) 2%                        $15.95 ($.47) 3%

Civilian Dispatch (6)  2008                   2009                               2010
Annual Salary:                $27,650.17                $28,203.17 ($553) 2%                $29,049.33 ($846.16) 3%
Monthly Wage:              $2,304.18                  $2,350.26 ($46.08) 2%               $2,420.78 ($70.52) 3%
Weekly Wage:               $531.73                     $542.37 ($10.64) 2%                  $558.64 ($16.27) 3%
Hourly Wage:                 $13.29                       $13.56 ($.27) 2%                       $13.97 ($.41) 3%

Part-Time Dispatch (1)   2008               2009                               2010
Annual Salary:                      $12,501                $12,751 ($250) 2%                     NA
Monthly Wage:                    $1,041.75             $1,062.58 ($20.83) 2%               NA
Weekly Wage:                    $240.40                $245.21 ($4.81) 2%                    NA
Hourly Wage:                      $12.02 (20 hrs)      $12.26 ($.24) 2% (20 hrs)           NA

Admin. Assistant (1)    2008                  2009                               2010
Annual Salary:                   $28,768                   $29,632 ($864) 3%                     $30,521 ($889) 3%
Monthly Wage:                 $2,397.33                $2,469.33 ($72) 3%                    $2,543.42 ($74.09) 3%
Weekly Wage:                 $553.23                   $569.85 (16.62) 3%                     $586.94 ($17.09) 3%
Hourly Wage:                   $13.83                     $14.25 ($.42) 3%                        $14.67 ($.42) 3%

Below is the total cost of just wages.  This does not include any other benefits or overtime.

2008 - $1,833,200.00.  Divide that by the number of employees for this department in 2008 (47) and the average Mean Salary is: $39,004.26 each.

If you just total the wages of the firefighters.  The wages are: $1,584,741.94 or 86.45% of the budgeted wages.  Divided by the number of firefighters, (Not dispatchers and administrative assistants.) which is 38.  The average Mean Salary is: $41,703.74.  Dispatchers and administrative assistants make a total of $248,458.06 or 13.55% of the overall budget for wages.

A few weeks ago we heard the Fire and Police Chiefs complaining that the dispatchers shouldn't be taken from their budgets.  Each department wanting the other to absorb this cost to their budgets.  Really, firefighters are not happy with 86.45% of the total money; they want it all!  And, folks... this is just the figures from 2008; the dollar amount raise each year that they get and they still want more!  This group of city employees would eat their own and throw everybody else under the bus - if it meant more money in their pockets!  State Rep. Johnson; is this the idiots you were talking about fighting?  That you support over everybody else!

2009 - $1,890,441.00.  Divide by the number of employees for 2009 (48) and the average Mean Salary is:  $39,384.19 each.

Firefighters wages only:  $1,682,824.00 or 89.02% of the budgeted wages.  Divided by 39 firefighters and the average Mean Salary is:  $43,149.33 each.

Dispatchers and other employees wages:  $207,617.00 or 10.98% of the budgeted wages.

2010 - $1,962,474.00.  Divided by the number of employees for 2010 (47) and the average Mean Salary is:  $41,754.77 each.

Firefighters wages only:  $1,724,486.00 or 87.87% of the budgeted wages.  Divided by 39 firefighters and the average Mean Salary is:  $44,217.59 each.  And, this was with 21 firefighters taking a cut in pay as proposed by the department head or agreed upon concessions with the unions!

Dispatchers and other employeeswages:  $237,988.00 or 12.13% of the budgeted wages.

2010 also brought out the "Phantom Firefighter"; according to the proposed budget.  This could have been an attempt to recover the 3% concessions!  For whatever reason they felt the need to do this is beyond me!  But, under Firefighter 1 above the wages for one firefighter jumped from $33,113.00 in 2009 for 1 employee to $68,205.00 in 2010 for 1 employee.  Just so happens, that the amount proposed would be the exact amount if there was 2 employees in this position; with even a 3% raise!

The Comparison - 2009

Below, is a comparison of the 21 firefighters in the Portsmouth Fire Dept., that are classified as Firefighter 5 and Firefighter 1 in 2009; against the Mean Wages of other firefighters in the Southern Ohio Non-Metro Areas in 2009.

Southern Ohio Non-Metro Areas - (Firefighters Only)

Employment    Hourly Mean Wage    Annual Mean Wage
560                  $15.27                      $31,760.00

Hourly Percentile Wages
10th          25th          50th          75th          90th
$7.93         $10.46       $14.21        $18.98       $24.73

Annual Percentile Wages
10th                 25th                    50th                  75th                  90th
$16,490             $21,770               $29,550              $39,470              $51,430

Portsmouth Fire Department - (Firefighters 5 & 1 Only)

Employment    Hourly Mean Wage    Annual Mean Wage
21                   $19.91                       $41,421
1                     $15.92                       $33,113

The Difference

Portsmouth Firefighters make more money than any other firefighters in the Southern Ohio Non-Metro Area!  How much more is listed below.

Hourly Mean Wage          Annual Mean Wage
$4.64 more                      $9,661 more  (x21 employees)
$.65  more                       $1,353 more  (x1 employee)

And, this does not include the overtime that we have to pay them because of the way they choose to work their schedules.  They work 24 hour work days.  Most of these 24 hour work days are paid in overtime wages.  Which in 2009 it was budgeted for an additional $40,000 and in 2010 at $90,000.

How about working 3 shift days and eliminating most if not all the overtime!  When this is mentioned to the firefighters they get all upset; they say no!  This is the way it has always been; and that's just the way it is!  So, who's the boss here?  Firefighters or the taxpayers?  How about you do as your told.  Other fire department across the nation use the shift schedule to cover their cities.

Portsmouth Taxpayers Pay

Portsmouth taxpayers pay $204,234 more for a total of 22 firefighters than the Annual Mean Wage is for the Southern Ohio Non-Metro Area.  Portsmouth firefighters are paid between the 75th and 90th Hourly and Annual Percentile Wage.

Now, take that off the budget deficit!  Take $204,234 and the $50,000 of the overtime (2010) paid and you could cut $244,234 off the deficit!  Now, tackle the extravagant benefits and pensions that they receive and you could probably come up with another $200,000 dollars!

Wow!  Just one department being paid the fair market value and look what you can save the taxpayers!  Folks, these firefighters are really being grossly overpaid for this position!  Now, before someone says; they risk their lives for our safety!  This is true... but they risk their lives by driving to work like everybody else.  Besides, $29,550.00 a year is a good living for the Southern Ohio Non-Metro Area.  Other firefighters in this area have to live by it.  Why shouldn't ours!

Mutual Aid
Let's not forget either folks.  Our fire dept. is no better than any other fire dept. in the state of Ohio.  Or, for that matter our area!  Other fire depts. come running when the tone is dropped!  New Boston was the first truck on the scene a couple of weeks ago to a fire in Sciotoville.  There might have been a Portsmouth firefighter there, but the truck was not there first!  If 2 firefighters are at the Sciotoville station then, why was a firefighter not there with the truck?  Maybe, that firefighter was out running some errands or doing something else!

You see, this is the type of things that may or may not be going on that someone needs to be watching!  If there is suppost to be 2 at the station; then there should be 2 always.  Not, 1 for a 23 hours - 24 hours!  If you don't roll up on the truck when the tone is dropped; then you were not at the station!  But, was getting paid for it!

Vote "NO" or "AGAINST"
The Proposed City Income Tax Increase!

It is a union-sponsored tax increase!
It's pay raises for city employees!
None of the money will be used to improve or add any new services!

City employees all ready get 90% of each departments budget for wages and benefits!

Now!  They want to bleed you for more!

For Corrupt Local Government or Greedy Unionized Employees!

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