The Great Bailout
One thing is for certain. When a city official makes a short statement about a topic; that is as critical and important to the citizens of Portsmouth - as the "Proposed Income Tax Increase." Citizens best be cautious and gaurded about what is not being said.
With the exception of former Mayor Murray's administration; citizens of Portsmouth, Ohio have been treated much like the same process that one would use to grow mushrooms. Kept in the dark, and feed shit!
Mayor Malone said; "the cost of the campaign to pass the city income tax increase is not being paid for by the taxpayers." That is a good thing to hear. This means, and is later confirmed in the article; that it is being funded by outside sources.
The Campaign
The campaign amount to promote this city income tax increase is $22,000.00. More than what most folks make in a year in the city of Portsmouth. What is really interesting about this announcement is; if taxpayer dollars are not being spent on this campaign, and outside sources are funding this effort. Then, why is a city official making statements about the campaigns funding and about it's committee? I mean, couldn't one of the committee members came forth and said the same statement? Instead of the Mayor's office. If Frank Lewis would have had a brief flash of investigative reporting come over him; he might have been able to ask a question directly to a committee member; about the funding or committee.
The Committee
The committee is working with outside sources to fund the campaign. Does this committee have any city employees, labor union officials/members on the committee? Are any of the local city employee unions donating funds towards this campaign?
If the answer to any of these questions are "Yes;" then this proposed income tax increase - is the direct result of unions and special interest groups! City employee union contracts are about to expire, and they want more of your money!
The Reason Why
At least, we now know more than we did before. Or, at least confirmed our suspicions! This proposed income tax increase is nothing more than a wage and benefit increase for the unionized city workers! But, there is one other really big reason that they want this to pass! And, that's to keep the State Auditor's Office from coming in, and doing a full-scale audit on the city.
The "Big Audit"
This means that every fund, account, and transfer of funds; over the past several years - will be looked at with extreme circumspection! This could also lead; to the state to take a hard look at some other things too. Things like; Amerisco and the SOGP's involvement with the city of Portsmouth - there's just no-telling where this could take them.
It could lead to other state agencies coming in as well. If warranted; to open their own formal investigations. Sort of a "Political Colon Cleansing." A "Local Government Enema."
It's a good thing that SOMC is putting in those grinders! I got a feeling something is about to hit the fans!
Worried Looks & Sleepless Nights
Elected officials are starting to show signs of being worried too. In fact. They even have publicly commented on their concerns about the State Auditor coming in.
When they come in; they will require some "big time" answers for some "big time" problems! Questions... that I'm sure most of them don't want to answer either.
In the next, few months to come. Watch to see if anybody steps down or resigns. I bet several late-night paper shredding parties will be of the norm. Maybe that's, what is meant by "burning the midnight oil!"
How Can The Voter Help?
By voting NO on the proposed city income tax increase! By voting no on this union sponsored city income tax increase; you will be helping our city get the expert help that is needed - to get us back on track to fiscal responsibility! By providing the city auditor, council, mayor, and department heads; the tools needed to be proper and good stewards of the taxpayers dollars. By voting NO or AGAINST the income tax increase you will be helping them and in return helping yourselves!
They will be shown how to make do with what they have and how to get things done properly. And, also, this help will be continued for over a one to two year period. They will come down every couple of months and do a check and balance type audit just to make sure the ship is still sailing and not sinking!
Where Do We Draw The Line?
When is it enough folks? Look at what we as taxpayers have been asked to pay for; just over the last several years.
- Martings Building Purchase (Money went to a local developer for strip malls.) ($2,000,000.00 of your tax dollars spent.) (Got us a great deal there too, didn't they?)
- Martings Building Renovations (We had to vote it down "twice" to get them to understand.) (Wanted the taxpayer to spend another $2 to $4 million dollars to fix it up!)
- Adelphia Building (Full of black mold and very expensive to renovate and clean.) (City forgave the owner of back taxes for the building.)
- Amerisco Fiasco (Project not completed and has never been monitored to show any savings as promised.) (They were real responsible with that $9,000,000.00 of your tax dollars, now wasn't they?)
- Water & Sewage Increase (6 or 7 times in over the last 10 years!)
Here's the thing. They can't explain or show you anything good about the 5 things listed above! Not one! Everything mentioned above cost the taxpayer money. Not one thing have they done in 20 years to bring a good solid viable business into the city. Not one! Name a strong, viable, heavily employed business they have brought in themselves? Kings Daughters came to the city and told them they were thinking of coming to town.
Dragging Up & Leaving This Town
When is the last time the city ever gave the citizens any good news on industry coming to town? The fact is; none of them are doing one thing to try and bring any new industry to the city of Portsmouth. Nothing!
And, we are in such a bad shape now; we have to give everything just get anyone to come! And, then they still don't want anything to do with this place.
Some folks think that it might be because there are certain people and organizations within our city - that actually make more money and a healthy living; by keeping our area economically distressed. They profit from your town being broke and having high unemployment rates!
In the last 20 years or so who has left and packed up their bags.
- Mitchellace. Used to employ several hundred people. Left to Costa Rica to set up main production operations. Why? This will get you! Because the unions were trying to take over! This man still sits on many committees within the city!
- Dayton Foundary
- Lute Supply (Tax abatements run out so, they set-up just outside of town.)
- Lewis Furniture (Not really a big employer but, a staple of stability in our community.)
- Martings Department Store (Employed a good amount of people.) (but, they got their share of the pie and some.)
- Maurices (In New Boston now.)
- Patterson Box Company (Not really a large employer but, a staple.)
- Coke Plant (Unions basically shut them down too. They were striking right before they closed.)
Mayor Malone and the entire city government from the bottom floor to the roof; are for the union workers too. Just like Rep. Terry Johnson. The deplorable oppressive thing about this whole proposed city income tax is; none of this money will go to benefit anything for the taxpayers! It will all go for city employee's benefits and wages.
The City of Portsmouth's Proposed Income Tax Increase Is
The Great Bailout!
Vote "AGAINST" The Income Tax Increase
Does not the Portsmouth City Charter state what portions of income tax must be used for? That is, the propose 0.6% tax increase: it must be stated what the tax will be used for.
ReplyDeleteDid you see where Austin Keyser of the IBEW had a megaphone standing with some Public employees a few days ago?
What does the IBEW and AFSCME have in common??? NOTHING!!! Yet, this man gets out and stands with some "Public Employees" using a bullhorn to call out chants.
This man (Keyser) basically inherrited his union leadership status from his relatives. The KEYSER(s) is an early 1900's mentaility. Back when there were no laws in place to protect people from harsh exploitation.
In reality, the word "GANG" instead of "UNION" better describes what is going on.
AUSTIN KEYSER has clearly demonstrated the gang mentality out there exploiting the majority of individual tax paying citizens. That is, when any of them feel threatened, then all these unrealted groups "gang up' to do anything they can to retain control to force people to pay their gang membership dues.
**** Our government should not be held hostage by backing the forced payroll deduction of gang membership dues. That must be an individual choice to pay membership dues.
Forced payroll deductions makes a mockery out of democratic principals. ***
About the note on companys packing up and leaving Portsmouth.
ReplyDeleteThe real story to tell is why business avoid building plants in Scioto County (not use Ptown). Scioto County has one of the most gang (union) oriented mentalitys in the country.
People like the KEYSER Family leading union gangs is a big reason why manufacturing avoid Scioto County.
UNIONS.. not the SOGP, are the real reason Scioto County is economically depressed.
And to be fare, the amount of ignorant uneducated people is a big factor too. Ignorants want the easy way out in life and think they have a right to hand-outs. Witness the first of the month activity in Scioto County. This plays well into the union gang mentaility.
People breed producing offspring and care less about nurturing their children with the value and respect of learning. Knowledge means know-how. The cycle is passed on producing more of the same.
So, family values are a core reason why things are as they are. Dont go blaming the system. This has been individual choice.
People migrated into the Portsmouth area back in the early 1900's seeking factory work. Well, that work moved elsewhere.
So, for those complaining that "the man" is treating them unfairly while they collect their monthly government hand-out checks... pack up your bags and MOVE! Just as your grandpappys did moving in to the Portsmouth area a few generations ago. Hit the road jacks. That has always been the American way. Go find another place to roost for a generation or two.
It's SO SAD you don't present or know the true facts. What FEW facts you present are twisted and warped. Go ahead and vote No on the increase! You can feel REAL good when there is no money for basic services and the city falls farther into disrepair!
ReplyDeleteThat'l show em! Oh wait.....all you'll do is hurt the people who still want to live here and make this a better place! Way to screw the public!!!
To Anonymous who posted on March 12th.
ReplyDelete"Don't present or know the true facts." And, I suppose that you do know the "true facts?" But, withhold them from the citizens!
The few facts that I do present are twisted and warped! So, what part of purchasing the Martings Bldg., trying to force the citizens to renovate the Martings Bldg. Purchasing the Adelphia Bldg. and the $9,000,000.00 Amerisco Fiasco is twisted and warped? What part of any of that not a true presentation of the facts?
Besides, all of the departments supply the citizens with all the services that we currently receive on only 10% of their budgets. Like; no street sweeping as they report that they do, don't take care of there city parks. A police department who is run by a incompetent and obviously a mentally disabled chief of police. Who has let us become the county known to the United States as; the Oxy-contin capital!
I will vote "NO" proudly to not approve this unionized employee tax increase! I will vote "NO" on it so, the taxpayers don't have to "BAILOUT" the irresponsibility of elected officials. So that the State Auditor can come in and actually help to put our city back on track for fiscal responsibility!
You go right on and vote "YES" for the tax increase! Vote for more Martings Bldgs., more Adelphia Bldgs., more Amerisco deals, and more water rate increases! Vote for only fetting back .10 on the dollar in actual services from all of the departments! You can FEEL GOOD about that when the same stuff happens again and again! That will show them!
I think you and the unions (My bet is you are one in the same,)are the ones hurting the people in this town!
Hey! When you go and vote "YES", do us all a favor please? Give us all a reach around while your screwing US! At least we will get something out of the deal!!!